All In Your Head

Life feels so alive in the days and hours before you're dead


By trance or meditate but do discover it's all in your head


It will be too late if you wait too long so ring in the moment with a song


Slow things down not by chance yet in a trance with a song to fix what's wrong


Big wave riders see real light in musicians who are mediums for a crowd


subjects of poets on primal paths along with salesmen, outlaws + preachers traveling in the dark


It will be too late if you wait too long so ring in the moment with a song


Slow things down not by chance yet in a trance with a song to fix what's wrong


Sitting around the camp fire to cook, for warmth & protection along the long paths


What is that we types that travel hear like song? Is it wind or a dire wolf?


Only one's all in your head but both could and may kill you dead; poor fool played his ace too early.


Oh, it's all in your paranoid head;

And still it's instilled in those who believe in true trance it is all in your head and not living life by chance


Come on, now, let's dance in a new year

That defeat is all the fear in your head,

Have a drink on me and watch it disappear


Oh, it's all in your head

(Alive and then dead)