The Language of Your Brain
We’re all a little different
And yet similarly the same
Where we are individuals
With special care dispensed
I yearn to learn the ways of you
What I call language of your brain
Our body contains billions of cells
And like a lighting storm it takes
Actual voltage to help you awake
Together we can keep memories
And create new ideas there as well
Through the language of your brain
I’ll help so the axons don’t collapse
To go from pre to post synapses
Carried all along the synaptic cleft
As two go out three come in the gate
Resting and grading and pumping
Electric impulse we see frame by frame
The memories and ideas like our poetry
All from locating the tone of your stuff
Allowing me to learn languages of a brain
Organically stimulate and inhibit or activate
Speaking code to the address of each domain
Hippocampus. Neurocortex. How complex.
I’m reaching you thru the language of your brain