The game of war.
Board games at the cabin
Large kitchen table
Big bowls of grapes and blackberries
To do
Or not to do?
The question is:
Are you going to be somebody?
Don’t you wanna be someone?
Love everybody
Hate yourself and want to die
Know that only faith has a chance
In Existential doctrines with realist beards
Black, dizzy, smoky-lung day dreams
From 20th Century linguists with a knack
For business, adventure, conscious thought
Like the heartbeat of the city, which plays, host
Show us your eyes! Are they honest! Mine are
It’s hard to lie when designed to hurt.
To prevent you from hurting and dying like me,
Words flow like a tickle of a pleasant dream
We succeed. Everyone struggles! Except the lazy
And those afraid to make a leap of faith
And into the mouth of a black hole
- The more energy – the better
- Light, love, wisdom and a good bed
- Clouds of heaven around blue earth
- I see ya
John Conte`
April 7, 2003