In the shadows of
the sun
The Bible black
In the "soup" of
planetary existence
Somehow - whether
by design - or
Accidental, random
chance of
Natural Selection
and survival of the
Fittest from an
evolving organism
Life occurred on
Earth and kept growing
However it
happened it is beautiful
challenging and wickedly good
That air, fire,
water and earth as one
Mixed with the
fifth element made life as
We know it to be
and take for granted so
Easily and
arrogantly like apes and monkeys
Yes. Like
chimpanzees that are 98% just like
Us sentient beings
that are only 2% different
And we are only 3%
different from gorillas but
Our arrogance
masks this difference in disrespect
We're running to
stand still but don't know why
We've put
ourselves on pedestals w/ loose foundations
And sport loose
fur in mockery of where we came from
Stepping on the
backs of what and whoever will let us
Yet you think
you're special - so very special - but why
What really sets
us apart - And do you use this for betterment
Are you thankful
and grateful everyday - Do you smell the roses
In the shadows of
the sun - The shadows of the moon -
Do you swoon for
life and sing to the great creator of being
May 31, 2006
John A. Conte` JR