Horse Droppings


The white Italian marble

has turned green.

With leather soles, it can be quite slippy!

Lawrence Ferlinghetti wears his

straw hat and dungarees to the San

Franciscan opera house.

He exudes 59 sunrays of North Beach.

I ask a passer bye who has apparent summerteeth

where might a good cigarette shop be

that could lend itself to having a Spanish dancer.

-         “Past the graveyard – 2 blocks from Sunday,”

he recklessly bellows.

A car passes bye 5 times.

It really needs tuned.

Sure it has tinted windows

and has bass –


it needs really does need tuning.

His tattoos and jail house breath

should have gone noticed.

She said she was blinded by

greasy fried food and cigarette smoke

and did not notice his evil eyes.

“We were much safer where

the Buffalo used to roam,”

a drunken Injynn says grinning

while happily raising his eyebrows.


February 7, 2004

John A. Conte JR