Why is it such a surprise that this past terrible
event was due to home-grown-terror?
Here in the U.S. we had to deal w/
home-grown-terror for decades - You know, the KKK.
And, sure, similarly, these terrorists are not on
the outskirts but blend very well. In fact, you
know most of the KKK (home-grown-terrorists) was
working for counties, towns and boroughs. Yet, if
you were to try to spot these folks, you could
probably be tipped off by some things such as,
their use of the word "nigger", their hatred for
blacks, their rhetoric about how blacks are
inferior and whites are superior, very narrow view
points, zero tolerance for what is different.
Just as the British home-grown-terrorists are not
on the outskirts but blend. However, I bet if you
try to spot these folks you can count on that they
do not do drugs, they do not drink
Coca-Cola, they do not listen to rock-n-roll, they
are too dedicated to the muslim religion, too
narrow-in-view, zero tolerance for what is
different, no drug use, overly committed to muslim
Now, whereas, there was and sometimes still is a
blind eye to the KKK for their injustices, I hope
we wake-up and get our priorities straight and
commit resources and money to feet-on-the-street
and infiltrate these groups - I hope we come down
on them as hard as the Nixon Admin came down on
P.S. If you question the KKK are terrorists,
please refer to media footage where KKK member in
Memphis describe the KKK as a terror organization
- (in the film, Imagine).