I caught the recycled Factor - no spin zone - last night and I
thought, gee, Brian looks pretty youthful for his age. Has he
had work? Or does he just have good genes and take good care
of himself by leading a healthy lifestyle in the right
Anyway, I'm glad the P.R. guru today made sense of the Rolling
Stone/Admin thing because it is silly.
I'm more concerned w/ alarming news from CNN Headline News
regarding how South Korea is way way ahead of us in Internet
technology and that test scores of South Koreans compared to
Americans prove this - That their broadband is like 5 times
greater than our capabilities and they have outspent us
something 800 million dollars to our 10 million dollars in
advancing Internet technology. Thus, the rest of the world -
including the U.S. - will be buying this technology (importing
it) from advanced companies in S. Korea, Japan and China.
You know, I was hesitant to vote for Bush only because I did
not think his Admin was technology savvy at all - And would
not hang out in Silicon Valley and Palo Alto like Clinton and
Gore to capitalize on what drives the world and will continue
to do so - technology. (Sometiems this Admin support far of
right, dinosaur, ideals and priorities) that doesn't quite
help us out as a complete country.
I really like George W. but I think sometimes his supporters
and the far of right dinosaurs that put pressure on him for
far of right ideals and priorities are like a noose around his